Eric Himelick Family Ministry Report | March 2024

Dear Friends, We want to say “thank you” to everyone who has encouraged, supported, and prayed for us during this time of transition. Since leaving Evangelistic Faith Missions, our family has been busy. This is a short report of our activities. Leading “Longing for the Light” In mid-December, I woke up early one morning withContinue reading “Eric Himelick Family Ministry Report | March 2024”

Opening the Door to Redemptive Relationships

I’m sure you’ve seen him, the panhandler on the street. Or maybe someone stops you to ask for spare change as you pass by. Or maybe it’s the person with the sign on their car asking for help to get to their destination.  How can we help? May I suggest “redemptive relationships?” Everyone should wantContinue reading “Opening the Door to Redemptive Relationships”