A Nehemiah Discipleship Program Update

Yesterday was a “typical” day at Victory Acres. We had several young people all working on different projects around the farm in the warm, spring sunshine. There were good things happening everywhere! It got me to thinking… what is our “product?” Is it eggs, vegetables, or meat? No, while all of those are things that we produce and make available, our real product is the leaders we equip to engage in God’s global mission.

Why do we raise chickens? It is an opportunity to establish daily disciplines. Caring for our flock of chickens cultivates character in the person doing that work. It should be done well, regularly, and for the Lord. Yes, it produces eggs, but more importantly it produces discipline. It is an opportunity and an invitation to enter the life of the farm in a practical, daily way.

“Who will help me plant this seed?” the little red hen asked. What she was offering to her friends was an opportunity. The opportunities we are developing here at the farm are with a view to developing disciples while producing something of value. We are developing entrepreneurial leaders who are actively seeking ways to maximize their area and their efforts. They are engaged in their work at a heart level!

As we develop our pasture, cut posts, and prepare new fencing as we did yesterday, we are also cultivating leaders at every step along the way while we get ready for a new herd of cattle. When they are given a task, they learn to finish it. They are learning to lead themselves first in daily disciplines and then to lead others. Together, we are setting goals and accomplishing them. It’s exciting!

Ten weeks from now we will be hosting the 4th annual Nehemiah Discipleship Program (NPD) at Victory Acres. Applications are coming in daily, and it promises to be an important time of leadership development with the 40 participants who are selected. We have a lot of work to do to prepare, but our greatest need is spiritual. We need people who will join us in prayer that God will use this time to help establish friendships and guide direction for the young people and their families who participate. Would join us in praying for this upcoming event – June 1-4, 2023?

We are also looking for people who will partner with us financially. The cost of NDP last year was nearly $5,000, and we are thankful for how God provided for that need. If God would lead you to partner with us financially, we would welcome that. Every gift matters, and we’ll do our best to use it wisely and well. Thank you for caring and thank you for all you have done over the years to support the ongoing work of Victory Acres. After seventeen years of ministry, God has continued to provide for the work here. Thank you for being part of that. May God richly bless you!

Published by Eric Himelick

Eric Himelick is a graduate of Union Bible College (B.A. Pastoral Ministry, 2000.) He is the founding director of Victory Inner-city Ministries, and currently serves as the Executive Director of Victory Acres Farm. He has been a church planter, community developer, urban missionary, and an executive coach and consultant. He is the author of the book, Living Redemptively. He is a husband to Rachelle and father to their six children. He has developed a coaching and consulting business to provide leaders with Kingdom-minded coaching. Together they help leaders and their families to overcome obstacles, clarify goals, optimize their schedules, and reclaim their lives.

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